20 Dec

Interview with PILL NASSVLIESTECHNIK: Our new 36″ headbox

Why did SENW hire you to design/build them a new headbox?

“Steve Nielsen (owner, retired) called me in March 2018 to discuss some issues with the current design and how they could improve the overall uniformity of the web at higher throughput.”

How did you decide what type of headbox to design?

“This multi-discharge distributor allows for better and easier handling of the fiber slurry.  Because of its constant pressure, the material is equalized coming out onto the forming section.  This creates more uniformity in the nonwoven product.”

Who makes the equipment you design?

“I have been working with the same suppliers for 20+ years now.  I order the pieces I need per the design, they arrive at a centralized location where they are verified and assembled.  Then they are boxed up and sent to the customer.  I arrive at the customer’s location to install, start-up the machine and train the operators how to use the new machine.”

What is the process you used with SENW to complete this project?

“After speaking with Steve in March, I visited the facility in Clover, SC to see the machine in it’s setting to properly understand its abilities and what improvements to make.  After returning home, I designed the new machine and submitted it to Steve for his approval.”

How did you become a textile/papermaking machine engineer?

“I was hired on at Bruderhaus as a lowly mechanic.  But I wanted to do more, so I went to school to learn to design and build the machines.  After becoming an engineer, I went to papermaking school in Austria.  And after graduating with a papermaking degree, Bruderhaus closed their doors.  It was at this time, I started my business.”

Tell us about your business?

“After 26 years at Bruderhaus, I had made many contacts in the industry.  I began receiving calls for help.  New ideas, fibers, and products mean first understanding how best to create what the customer wants.  I do this research at the local university using their machines.  Once I know what is required, I design and build a new machine to accommodate the desired end results. Each day is unique and that is exciting for me.”


What other projects are you working on?  

“After designing 63 machines, delivered to 25 different countries in the span of 50 years in this industry, I’m ready to spend more time at home.  Right now, I teach a ‘nonwoven wetlay and recycling’ course at the local university in Reutlingen.  And I’ve written a book about what I’ve learned about designing and building these machines.”

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